Unlocking the Mysteries of Timing Events in Tarot Readings with Nipun Joshi
Unlock the mysteries of timing events in Tarot readings with Nipun Joshi. Discover the secrets of the astral plane and transcend time and space. #njshivoham #prideofshiva #tarotreading
#nipunjoshi #njshivoham #prideofshiva #tarotreading
One of the difficulties encountered with Tarot cards is the timing of events. When reading the Tarot, we tune into the astral level. This is a higher dimensional plane commonly known as the fourth dimension. Time and space (as we perceive it) are transcended on the astral level, making it difficult to determine the timing of events.
However, here are some technical guidelines that you may find helpful. Use them in conjunction with your intuition.
The four suits of the Tarot can represent measures of time:
Pentacles - years
Wands - months
Cups - days or weeks
Swords - hours or days
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8 years ago