Unveiling Vedic Astrology Remedies with Jatinder Sandhu: Part 1[Hindi]

Learn simple and easy Vedic astrology remedies with Jatinder Sandhu in Part 1[Hindi]. Join Team Vedicsiddhanta for insightful discussions on #Vedicsiddhanta.

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How to do Vedic astrology Remedies and how remedies works by Jatinder Sandhu
Today we are going to discuss on Secrets of vedic astrology remedies with Jatinder Sandhu ji based on BPHS and other puranic scriptures.He is a strict follower of the teachings of the ancient seers and classics and is also a keen promoter for research and further development of Jyotisha and medical astrology.
You Can follow Jatinder Sandhu @
Video Editing Credit: Gaurav Jamwal YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/gjamwal
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The Vedic Siddhanta is an initiative of Vedic School of Krishndhaam. Our Idea behind designing the Application of Vedic Siddhanta is to spread the Vedic knowledge globally.
Our ancestors from long kept preserving wisdom through which we able to get right guidance for our future. One of the oldest traditional technique which was followed by them to show our insight of life with the help of ancient dictums was VEDIC ASTROLOGY.
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6 years ago
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