Monthly Transit Results for September 2024 for All Ascendants
Welcome to the detailed astrological forecast for September 2024. This article covers the transit results for each of the rising signs. Lets delve into how the planets will influence different areas of life this month.
General Planetary Movements
During this month, Venus will be under tremendous pressure as it transits through Virgo. This placement makes Venus vulnerable, affecting areas related to relationships, finances, women, and empowerment. This vulnerability will remain until Venus moves into Libra in the second half of the month. Mercury will transit Leo from September 5th to September 22nd, without any retrograde motion, so theres no need to worry about communication issues. Mars will transit through Gemini, which may not be its strongest position, but it can still empower action and resourcefulness. The Sun will be dignified in Leo for the first half of the month and then move into Virgo, where it will receive an aspect from Mars, enhancing efforts towards fame and recognition.
Aries Rising
For Aries natives, your ascendant lord Mars will be transiting the third house, encouraging new initiatives. However, you may experience clashes with friends, colleagues, and younger siblings. Despite this, the energy is favorable for influencers, performing artists, sales, media, and marketing professionals. You might find yourself vulnerable in matters of love and business partnerships until September 17th, when your seventh lord is afflicted by Ketu. Avoid proposing or entering into new partnerships until then.
Taurus Rising
This month seems fast-paced for Taurus natives. Your ascendant lord Venus will be debilitated in Virgo until September 17th, creating a favorable energy for spiritual practices and self-inquiry. Be cautious of speculative losses and disruptions in love or childrens performance. Mars transiting your second house could lead to issues in communication, affecting close relationships. However, the Sun transiting from your fourth to fifth house will benefit those in public domains like interior design and architecture.
Gemini Rising
Gemini natives will start the month on a positive note. Your ascendant lord Mercury will transit your third house from September 5th to September 22nd, creating good energy for sales, media, and marketing professionals. However, Venus debilitated in your fourth house until September 17th may cause feelings of loneliness and detachment. Be careful in domestic matters and avoid rash decisions. Mars transiting your first house may make you restless and prone to overthinking, so channel your energy wisely.
Cancer Rising
For Cancer natives, the month starts on a sensitive note. Significant changes may occur in your professional life, and you might feel isolated due to Venuss debilitation in your third house. Avoid group activities and adventures until September 17th. However, your second house, connected with income from family business or government projects, will be in a dignified state. Utilize the influence of the Sun and Mercury in your second house for financial gains.
Leo Rising
Leo natives will have a stimulating social life this month. Mars transiting your eleventh house will bring opportunities through group activities. Your ascendant lord Sun will be dignified in your first house for the first half of the month, aiding in recognition and marketing efforts. However, Venus debilitated in your second house until September 17th may cause rapid financial changes. Be cautious in financial dealings and ensure clear terms in freelance and self-employed ventures.
Virgo Rising
Virgo natives will experience divine insights and epiphanies, especially in spiritual and religious pursuits. Your ascendant lord Mercury will transit your twelfth house from September 5th to September 22nd, favoring those in import-export or foreign lands. However, Mars transiting your tenth house may bring sudden responsibilities and challenges at work. Handle professional matters gracefully and avoid confrontations.
Libra Rising
Libra natives need to be cautious this month. Your ascendant lord Venus will be debilitated in the twelfth house until September 17th, making you vulnerable to external influences. Avoid risky ventures and uncertain deals during this period. Use this time for self-reflection and invoking hidden talents. Mars transiting your ninth house will bring guidance and support from partners. The dignified Sun in your eleventh house for the first half of the month will aid in recognition and rewards.
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio natives will start the month on a good note. Your ascendant lord Mars will transit the eighth house, making you prone to injuries and overthinking. Be cautious in matters of health and avoid unnecessary risks. Venus debilitated in your eleventh house until September 17th may cause relationship issues. Handle these matters with care and avoid confrontations. The dignified Sun in your tenth house will support professional recognition and visibility.
Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius natives will find their partners demanding more time and energy. Mars transiting your seventh house may cause impulsive and aggressive behavior in partnerships. Be careful in your interactions. Venus debilitated in your sixth house until September 17th may bring workplace challenges and differences of opinion. However, the dignified Sun in your ninth house will support higher learning and travel-related matters.
Capricorn Rising
Capricorn natives will experience sudden developments in their career. Venus, your tenth lord, will be debilitated in the ninth house until September 17th, bringing unexpected changes at work. Seek guidance from experts in your field. Mars transiting your sixth house will support competitive situations and health-related professions. Avoid conflicts and focus on your goals.
Aquarius Rising
Aquarius natives will face unpredictable career developments this month. Mars transiting your fifth house will bring opportunities for freelancers and self-employed individuals. Venus debilitated in your eighth house until September 17th may cause relationship issues. Be cautious in your interactions and avoid confrontations. The dignified Sun in your seventh house will support partnerships and commercial gains.
Pisces Rising
Pisces natives will work hard towards their goals this month. Mars transiting your fourth house may cause domestic disagreements and arguments. Handle these matters with care. Venus debilitated in your seventh house until September 17th may bring relationship challenges. Be accepting and avoid negative thoughts. The dignified Sun in your sixth house will support competitive exams and health-related professions.