If you really need to get over bad effect of planets -read this several times as i am not sure weather i will be able to do justice with article or not as this is one of the most complex topic of astrology which was passed on from ancestors and whatever little i have understood out in my brain- I applied and got results during reading and not only clients were surprised but on a personal level- I was also happy to see miracles.
In early days when people use to do mantra, havan or any kind of ritual -particular deity at the end of the ritual will show up physically to bless the native.Over the period of time this physical manifestation of deity we forgot to see as its a matter of trust -For an example if you are doing a ganpati sadhna or Chandi havan -you must expect deity at the end or during the process to come and bless you but let us suppose you are doing a ritual and not even expecting deity to show up as you might have doubts regarding this -you will not be able to see the deity. So the first thing is belief system.
Have a belief system that when you are doing any ritual-deity will listen and come to you.
When i started teaching predictive astrology course -I told every student that whatever sign we will learn- in next 2 days that sign will be active and deity related to that sign will come and visit you -Just keep your eyes open and throughout the course -students reported all these events which were not logical to explain-As when you have studied a deity with clear heart for 2 hours-how is it possible that they don’t come to bless you.
Similarly in each natal chart during certain time period -Grahas will acquire physical form just before giving you any trouble -Graha will give you chance to serve them so you can get rid of trouble and you will get symptoms before any big problem but sometimes we are so busy that we fail to see the graha in physical form.
During consultations several time predictions were like -
“that neighbor will come and ask for help- or someone will be drunk saint will come for food or a shudra wearing a orange robe will ask for food” All these people were physical manifestation of the planet- All we need to do is make a physical image using signs and houses.
But why a particular event is so important? These people are physical manifestations of Graha who came to give us chance to correct the mistakes.
When people have helped their neighbors or provided food to someone in the above conditions- after that even in bad dasha their luck changed for example 6th lord Sun in 3rd house in sign of Taurus- A neighbor will come asking for medicine in night for high fever for his/her kids -Just before commencement of leo dasha and if native provides medicine then leo dasha will be good and this neighbor will be working for government but so many people will have same combo- How to differentiate -Use D-9, D-12 and D-60 to confirm this and change predictions as required.
Past life connection and medicine- Who is this guy -who came in night asking for this help? He is manifestation of Lord Surya and he came to ask for medicine as in past life you were a karam -Purhotiya and neighbors boy got cursed by you for making excessive noise -now in this life same person with blessing of Lord Sun is coming as neighbor and asking for medicine- Its not the power of medicine which will get the kid alright -Big thing is medicine is provided by your hand and kid will be alright.
In next 7 days from this you will see -your transfer due to new job will start taking place but in case you were unable to provide medicine or don’t open the door- then in that case-get ready for dasha of Sun and its not going to be good as graha gave you one chance to do the remedy already.
Example-2 -Someone with Jup-Moon in 9th house and Saturn Ketu in 6th — Taurus ascendant-
A Shudra wearing orange robes will show up asking for food but native was unable to provide food and gave money instead-After this native went through real tough time period of life for 5 years and struggle for mental happiness but financially he was good.(Food was Moon- and Venus is money) -So mentally troublesome time period and didn’t get any peace or happiness even after getting money.
Example 3
A sweeper asked for money from a person who had Saturn retro in Scorpio placed in 5th house as reward for Diwali -This is not normal in area where this native live and these sweepers come daily but never asked for anything- Earlier when told during consultation to give money to sweeper- He tried twice to different sweepers but both of them refused to take money.
When this lady sweeper asked for money- He gave money happily and after that his profession related problem got solved- Who was in that sweeper- Shani Maharaj in women form asked money on Tuesday (Saturn is in Scorpio Sign)-next to his house(5th house is also neighbors)-while native was seeing off his relatives between 10–11 am -Dispositor of Saturn-Mars is in 11th house of relatives -time will be 10–11 am.