Hello folks! Hope everyone is well. Today, I am here to talk about an important transit, and that is Rahu's movement into Revati. Rahu will move into Revati on October 30th and will stay there until July 7th, 2024. Of course, the date may vary depending on where you are in the world, and this is the mean node calculation, not the true node calculation. Before getting started, I want to say a quick thank you to those who have subscribed and those who comment as usual. For the rest, don't forget to hit that subscribe button on the right-hand side.
I am currently doing readings for those who have asked. So, if you want to contact me, you can find me on social media as well. I have put the links in the description box below. Those who have had a reading with me know that all inquiries are dealt with by my assistant, Karen. So, bear with her and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Understanding Revati Nakshatra
First, let's talk about Revati Nakshatra. Revati is the final nakshatra, signifying the soul's liberation (Moksha). It is highly creative, imaginative, and poetic. Out of all the Pisces nakshatras, Revati is where we see romance, poetry, and also illusions in our encounters with others. After all, it is still Pisces we are talking about, and Rahu is involved.
However, it is also here that Venus gets its exaltation status. So, experiencing something that feels otherworldly or out of the ordinary can happen. There is a feeling of divine intervention that is possible. This can manifest in the form of a life event, a personal interaction or encounter with someone, or even a reversal of bad fortune and a miracle of sorts.
Revati is a gentle nakshatra, and you can often feel in your own world here. This is especially the case for those who are going through a Rahu Dasha or Rahu Antardasha because you will feel the impact more here. You can put your efforts into either spiritual progress or creative pursuits, and you may embark on something very magnanimous at this time. You will feel like escaping the normal, daily routines—the normal humdrum life as we call it—especially if you work in a very rigid corporate environment.
Creative and Spiritual Pursuits
Rahu will bring connections with others where you will feel a deep uplifting energy. Revati's symbol is the drum, connecting to dance, poetry, and music. All of these can feel quite fulfilling at this time. The poetic and romantic side of Revati is also getting energized with Rahu's presence here, making you open to deeper connections that may not feel so logical or practical.
Favorable activities supported by Revati include new journeys, marriage ceremonies, conceiving a child, and purchasing new clothes. It is also an excellent time for music, artistic endeavors, creative pursuits, spiritual or occult teachings, and healing modalities. Business and financial transactions are favorable as well with Rahu transiting here, but be cautious because it is Rahu.
Revati means wealth, and it's appropriate that the controlling planet is Mercury. Rahu actually does very well in Mercury's nakshatras. However, Mercury doesn't do so well in Rahu's nakshatras. So, if you are in a Mercury Dasha, you can see a boost in money matters at this time. Do exercise caution as there can be illusions that you need to peel through. This applies to money matters, business matters, and relationship matters. There could be a fulfilling connection that has an easy and natural flow about it, but again, take some time to peel off those layers.
The Duality of Pisces
There is a duality with Pisces, a feeling of being pulled in two different directions. One could be towards your goals and forward-thinking endeavors, while the other side could be stuck in the past, in your imagination, or in a dream world. You may experience this during this transit. The easiest way to pull yourself out of this is through spiritual practice or connecting with nature.
The Ruling Deity of Revati
The ruling deity of Revati is Pushan, the god of meetings. He is responsible for marriages, journeys, and forging new life paths. This transit can definitely open up opportunities for finding a good match for marriage, moving abroad, or taking long journeys, especially those connected to spiritual pilgrimages. It can open up a brand new life path, but this will manifest quite suddenly. It won't allow for a lot of analysis or planning; you will need to go with the flow and trust your hunches.
Pushan carries the soul to the other world or from another world to this world. He protects travelers and also protects people from being exploited. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, and Revati's controlling planet is Mercury. Throughout this transit, when Rahu is going through Revati, we have to pay attention to what Jupiter is doing. Jupiter moves into Taurus in May 2024, and at that time, this transit will be very beneficial because Jupiter will be in the 11th place from Rahu.
Impact of Rahu Transit in Revati
The first six months of this transit can bring a lot of unexpected changes, reversals, and endings. You will feel like escaping from your current situation in the first six months, whatever that current situation may be. Also, depending on your Dasha, lots of opportunities will come up for doing so.
From October 30th till November 17th, Rahu is in Gandanta. This time period is highly sensitized because at the same time, the Sun is also debilitated with an agitated Mars in Libra, getting aspected by a retrograde Jupiter. It’s a complex situation. Here, we can see some very swift changes happen. Illusions will get dissolved quickly, and some destruction could ensue in relationships and money matters. This will come with a bang around the new moon cycle days, so pay attention around November 13th. Double-check everything at that time, keep a light schedule, and just keep a watchful eye. Try to steer clear of risky actions and speech at this time. We would have just experienced the eclipses as well, so you could be dealing with the aftermath of what came up during these first two weeks of November.
Breaking Down the Rahu Transit in Revati
Revati spans from 16:40 till 30 degrees of Pisces. Rahu will start its transit in Revati Nakshatra in the Gandanta portion of Pisces, which is of course, the Vargottama Navamsha, on October 30th. It will transit here from October 30th till December 31st. This is actually an excellent transit for international travel. It's also a good time to do work in isolation if you want to. Creative and artistic works like writing, music, singing, sculpting, and poetry are all favored at this time. Intuition can be sharp now, so it's a favorable time to develop any spiritual practice. Excellent time for any remedies and pilgrimages as well.
Rahu moves to the third Pada of Revati in the Aquarius Navamsha from January 1st till March 3rd. This phase can feel like a bit of a struggle, especially towards the last portion of the transit from February 10th till March 3rd, as it is joined by a Vargottama Saturn. You may struggle with the duality of Pisces at this time, whether to pursue your future self-driven goals or stay in the status quo, perhaps stuck in your imagination. Getting out of your imagination and being practical and analytical can help at this time because we are talking about the Aquarius Navamsha.
You may experience some friction with loved ones and relatives during this time, especially throughout the three weeks at the end of this Pada. However, Jupiter's aspect remains on Rahu in Aquarius Navamsha, which will mediate problems that come up.
Career and Work Responsibilities
On March 4th, Rahu will move into the second Pada, the Capricorn Navamsha, also ruled by Saturn. Rahu remains in the second Pada from March 4th till May 6th, and it is conjunct Jupiter throughout. This is a good time to take heed of your career and work responsibilities. You can be organized, goal-driven, and disciplined. Work hard to get results, and you will get results at this time. It's a good time to think about your life path and goals and see whether you are making progress or need to make adjustments. This would be an excellent time to make those adjustments.
It's a good time to explore new business ideas and entrepreneurial endeavors. Material comforts and luxuries can be accessible now. It's a time to strive to fulfill your desires.
Beneficial Time for Education and Travel
From May 6th till July 8th, Rahu transits the first Pada, the Sagittarius Navamsha. This is a good transit as Jupiter will be in Taurus and in a beneficial angle to Rahu's movement. They will be in 3-11 from each other. The first Pada is also governed by Jupiter. It’s great for education, travel, and going abroad. It's also a time when you can socialize more, get the support of others, and feel confident to move forward with your plans.
If you want to study any new subjects, this is a good time to start. You could also meet a good advisor or guru to help you along your life path. It's good for creative activities like singing, music, arts, and dance.
Rahu's Role in Pending Karma
Rahu represents pending karma. Wherever Rahu transits, past life themes can pop up, and this pending karma tends to manifest in challenging and unpredictable ways. It is also pending desire, and these desires can manifest in different ways. But because we are talking about Rahu, they can manifest like obsessions or gripping fears.
Wherever Pisces falls in your chart, you may experience some big shifts now. There will be unexpected changes. To understand it better, you need to look at the following:
The lordship of Rahu for your Lagna. For instance, if you are Gemini Lagna and Rahu is your ninth lord transiting the tenth house, watch for sudden changes in your career. Take care with the actions and decisions you make. A new career or a breakthrough in your current career is possible, bringing lucky breaks with career matters because Rahu operates well in the tenth house, especially in Mercury’s nakshatra.
If any planets in your chart are situated in Revati and what those planets represent. For example, if you are Scorpio Lagna and have Venus sitting in Revati, this would trigger your twelfth and seventh houses’ matters. Venus rules both of these houses, and with the fourth lord Rahu transiting over Venus in the fifth house, where Venus signifies marriage and foreign settlement, you can meet your spouse from abroad, settle abroad due to marriage, or make real estate investments abroad with your partner or the help of a woman. Long-distance travel could be beneficial and profitable for you at this time.
Acting Fast with Rahu
With Rahu, you have to act fast if you want to see results. The opportunity can come quickly, but too much caution and planning don't bring results because the opportunity disappears just as quickly as it comes if you hesitate.
The last time we experienced Rahu in Revati was from March 24th, 2005, till October 12th, 2006. If you are old enough to remember that time frame, you may experience some similar themes come up in your life. As always, Dasha serves as the backdrop and takes priority. If you are in a Rahu Dasha, Antardasha, or even a Jupiter Dasha or Antardasha, this transit of Rahu becomes more relevant for you.