Sun is your light - how do you see the outside world? Sun in Aries. A person with Sun in Aries sees this as survival always attentive and finds it difficult to let the guard down as the conscious level is high, If this Sun is under the affliction of lords of 6/8/12 or malefic planets which can block light this means the soul has a memory of some past event which Soul still has to process.
In the chart of MK Gandhi Sun is the 11th lord (Siblings) placed in the 12th house of Virgo- being 2nd to 11th house- He stole the gold of his siblings to repay his debt- A soul desire to repay the debt of a sibling & liberate him.
Sun in different signs shows the filter to the light and this shapes our conscious level as Sun in Aries is clear about their personal goal while Sun in Libra is asking different people what their goal should be and be part of the collective community.
In the Chart of MK Gandhi and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Sun is placed in the 12th house of liberation both fought for liberation but in their own way as Sun ruled the 11th house in the Gandhiji chart and 8th lord of death and fear in the Mahesh Yogi ji chart.
Sun Ketu combination in Aries showed that the conscious level is still stuck in past with unfinished work of 10%- these natives have a habit of doing 90% of work and then leaving the last 10%, It becomes Kirti Dwaj yog but what is special about this yog is that for liberation they will progress in unusual ways which no one has heard before.