Understanding Remedies in Vedic Astrology
In Vedic astrology, the primary goal is to identify the karmic points in your birth chart, which can reveal your purpose and spiritual path. However, another essential aspect is learning how to remedy these karmic influences to make life more manageable and achieve your goals. Vedic Astrology remedies are tools that can help you balance the energies and influences of various planets in your birth chart.
General Points about Remedies
The first thing to keep in mind with remedies is that you need discipline, meaning you need to be regular in your practice. A sustainable spiritual practice is crucial to being consistent with remedies. This could include a pranayama practice for a few minutes daily, concentrated meditation techniques, mantra chanting (japa), yoga, or fasting.
Fasting is another great practice as the energy that the body puts into digestion is then reverted to healing. When your body is healing, your thoughts are also likely to be clearer. Mantras can be very effective, but their effectiveness depends on your chart. For example, if you have a perfect fifth house or floor, mantra chanting may or may not work for you. However, regardless of your chart, mantra chanting for your ascendant lord can always be beneficial.
Seva and Its Importance
Seva, or selfless service, is considered the best remedy for any issue. It could be volunteer work or giving donations. However, if you are only giving donations without being involved in other practices, you may not see much difference. A regular practice in conjunction with donations is essential for an internal shift to take place. This internal shift is what leads to lasting and stabilizing changes.
Its important to have something in conjunction with seva, such as a spiritual practice. If you only make donations, you may feel good for a few minutes, but the effect will likely be transient and temporary. You might want to supplement donations with other practices like meditation, yoga, or mantra chanting.
Gemstones as Remedies
Gemstones can be used as remedies, but they must come from a reliable source and be properly energized before wearing them. There are two schools of thought regarding gemstones: one suggests using natural malefic stones if they rule good houses, and the other recommends using only natural benefic stones for good houses. For instance, if you are a Leo ascendant, you might be advised not to use red coral even though Mars is your yoga karaka planet. Instead, you could use yellow sapphire because Jupiter is benefic.
When wearing a stone, consider which hand to wear it on. The right hand is ruled by Jupiter and increases the stones good energy, while the left hand is ruled by Venus and increases its energy. For example, if you are wearing a stone for Saturn during Sade Sati, you might want to wear it on the left hand to decrease its impact.
However, gemstones are not the primary remedy I would recommend. For a remedy to be truly effective, you must participate in the action. This participation helps in burning off old karma. Karma itself is action, so you need action to burn it off. If you wear a gemstone, do so in conjunction with another routine such as kriya, fasting, mantra japa, or seva.
Remedies for the Sun
The Sun and the Moon are probably the two most important planets in your chart. For them to be functioning well, the rest of the chart usually follows. The Sun represents your inner core, soul, and connection with your spirit. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun and represents the mind. A strong Sun leads to self-confidence and healthy self-esteem, which are essential for success in any area of life.
One with a strong Sun has a strong sense of dignity and self-respect. Their soul will not allow them to do anything immoral as it would harm their pride and self-respect. False pride can be an issue when the Sun is closely conjunct Rahu or Ketu or aspected by Saturn. When the Sun is closely conjunct Venus, there may be issues about being too self-absorbed and not valuing relationships, which can also affect self-confidence.
Building a Strong Sun
To strengthen the Sun, it is helpful to focus on ninth house matters. The Sun is exalted in the natural ninth house, which involves higher learning, philosophy, and spiritual discipline. Building a better relationship with your father, guru, or teachers can also strengthen the Sun. Cultivating a spiritual practice is very important as it connects you with higher knowledge and your soul.
Practical Remedies to Strengthen the Sun
Surya Namaskar: This is a yoga asana consisting of 12 poses. Performing Surya Namaskar three times every morning can significantly improve your confidence and faith. Even doing it once a week, preferably on a Sunday, can yield results. Your body has receptors that absorb the Suns rays, which get activated during Surya Namaskar.
Surya Kriya: This practice involves checking which nostril is more activated and practicing breathing from the right nostril to activate the Sun. Combine this exercise with deep breathing practices like pranayama to activate the mooladhara chakra.
Gayatri Mantra: A fantastic mantra dedicated to the Sun, chanting the Gayatri Mantra daily or at least on Sundays can have a profound impact on your confidence and spiritual connection.
Remedies for Health Problems
Astrological remedies for health problems can be very effective in addressing both physical and mental health issues. By understanding the planetary influences in your chart, you can take specific actions to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive ones. For example, fasting on specific days or wearing particular gemstones can help balance the energies that affect your health.
Remedies for Skin Problems
For those facing skin issues, astrological remedies for skin problems can be particularly beneficial. Venus and the Moon are often associated with skin health. Remedies might include wearing a diamond or pearl, chanting specific mantras, or performing rituals on Fridays, which is Venuss day.
Remedies for Mercury Weakness
Weak Mercury remedies is essential for individuals with communication issues, nervous disorders, or problems related to education. Mercury represents intellect and communication. Remedies can include wearing emeralds, chanting Mercury mantras, and engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, such as puzzles or learning new skills.
Career and Job Remedies
For those wondering how to get a government job with astrology remedies, its important to focus on strengthening the Sun and Saturn in your chart, as they represent authority and discipline. Chanting specific mantras, performing Surya Namaskar, and engaging in regular meditation can be beneficial.
Effectiveness of Astrological Remedies
A common question is, do remedies work in astrology? The answer is yes, but their effectiveness depends on the individuals commitment and consistency in performing the remedies. Regular practice and belief in the process are crucial for the remedies to work.
Availability of Astrology Remedies
For those seeking more information, resources such as an astrology remedies book pdf or visiting an astrology remedies store can provide additional insights and tools to help you on your journey. Free Vedic horoscopes can also offer a starting point for understanding your chart and identifying areas that need attention.
By following these astrology remedies, you can balance the energies in your chart and achieve a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Whether you are dealing with health issues, career challenges, or personal growth, there are remedies in Vedic astrology that can help you navigate these aspects effectively.